Kristi Born, LPC

 Frequently Asked Questions


 Is therapy right for me?

It all depends, right? We live in a world that wants to make very BLACK and WHITE statements and use prescriptions for everything! There’s not a one sized fits all. It works for some, and not for others is the truth. And the reasons why you may choose to come, and your willingness to participate have a lot to do with whether or not it’s going to work out for you. What I can tell you from first hand experience, and from years of working with clients is that it can create a powerful feedback loop, where you can see your situation through new eyes, create new strategies together with someone else, and utilize the experience and expertise of someone else who is trained to examine these issues. Therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for many of the challenges of every day life. If it’s something you’re drawn to, this is probably a great next step.

I’m doing this because my partner wants me to, is that ok?

We often hear: “ONLY DO SOMETHING IF YOU WANT TO DO IT FOR YOU!” But the truth is that many of us are profoundly relationally motivated. We live in a society that is reinforced by societal laws, and peer pressure. We encourage each other and discourage each other all the time. Sometimes the only reason we do things like go to the doctor or the dentist is because a loved one says “You need this!” That’s the truth. And that’s alright. But at some point, it has to become YOURS. You have to be willing. And that’s my assumption, if you’re entering the work we do together. You’re here of your own volition. They may have said, “please do this,” but you agreed to it. And that means that you are here as much for you as for them. That’s where we’ll begin. Your motivation. Your truth. Your reasons. Your willingness.

What’s therapy like?

Therapy is a journey we take together, aiming to help you navigate emotional and psychological challenges. When you first come in, we start with an initial discovery session to get a feel for your background and what you're dealing with right now. It's also a time for us to build a connection and make sure you're comfortable and know what to expect.

From there, we set some clear goals together and come up with a plan. I might use different techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), mindfulness practices, or a mix of different methods that suit your needs. I also will draw from numerous other metatheories, as an integrative therapist, to meet your needs.

Our sessions, usually once a week for about 45 minutes to an hour, are where the real work happens. These are telehealth visits, and we’ll meet using ZOOM, or another form of distance communication. We’ll talk about what's going on in your life, dig into past experiences, and identify patterns in your thoughts and behaviors..

We’ll keep track of your progress and tweak our approach as needed. Open communication is key, so we'll regularly check in to make sure you're getting the most out of our time together. When you’re feeling ready, we'll talk about wrapping up regular sessions and how to maintain your progress on your own.

Therapy is all about supporting you through your challenges and helping you build a healthier, happier life. It’s a collaborative process, and I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way

Do you accept insurance?

Currently, due to restrictions around client oversight and my belief in the ability to best serve client’s I do not accept insurance. I do accept a wide array of out of pocket, and other resource management options. You can see more at my rates page.

Will therapy help?

One of the most interesting studies of the last decade demonstrated that simply the mere act of seeking out therapy is effective. Even the very first step of the journey is helpful. But even beyond that, therapy can become a powerful backstop in your life—helping you reframe your problems into new opportunities, teach new skills, break apart old patterns, and assist in processing historic trauma’s. A competent therapist, adequately trained in an area that you’re seeking help in, can truly be greatly beneficial!

Couples can develop new ways of communicating, individuals can create new habits and form new experiences over time to replace old ones, and families are able to develop whole ways of interacting that they didn’t consider prior to therapy.